RAAF Roulettes visit to Whyalla

By Andrew

On Saturday 17th November 2012 the RAAF Roulettes visited Whyalla to perform their aerobatic show over the local cadets anniversary parade and celebrations.
Having shot the Roulettes a few times before, this time I made a point of wanting to get plenty of Whyalla in the shots. First choice was Tank Hill behind StJohns College but I realised a few days before that I would be shooting into the sun.
Instead we went to the top of Mt Laura. Bonus was that when they finished they lined up and flew very low over MtLaura on the way to landing.

Lift off

Chuckin’ a beachy

Goin’ to Maccas

Buzzing the (Mt Laura) tower

Cruising Mt Young

Fly by

U-turn on Norrie

Off to the impound for these hoons

Another beachy

up and over


Whyalla Style

Pearl Harbor



Air brake

Landing time

close enough?


Wide shots

Roulettes, Hummock Hill, Ore Train……..so much awesome

  1. Jay Tuffley says:

    Awesome shots mate!

    I am Roulette 4 in the team and I appreciate photos like these as we can debrief ourselves about how the display looks from the ground. I saw some other photos you took, I think from Jamestown Airshow, just as impressive! Can I request that you post a few of these on our “Air Force Roulettes” facebook site please? http://www.facebook.com/RAAF.Roulettes
    It’s great for people to be able to see great Roulette photography.

    Cheers and enjoy the 4WDriving!

    Jay (R4)

  2. Dianne says:

    Great shots of the Roulettes Andrew.
    Nice work.